21 Psychological FACTS About Attraction On First Dates

Jake Richardson
4 min readFeb 1, 2021

Growing up, and still today, I’ve always been interested in what makes 2 indivuals become so attracted to each other…and no, I’m not just talking about the initial “love at first site” stuff you hear about in romance novels or see in movies, or the occasional love story from our parents back in 1975 ;)

I’m actually interested in the science behind this, the chemical connections and the psychological viewpoints of why we find other humans attractive…

Listed here are 21 brief psychological facts about attraction that I thought you might find interesting, followed by a a few, brief tips (Extensive Article to follow) that might help along the way to a first Date…

1. While chatting, if someone keeps staring at your mouth during conversation, they desire to kiss you!

2. A person who is attracted to you will blink rather frequently while staring at you.

3. If you don’t truly love yourself, you’ll keep chasing other people who won’t ever love you, either.

4. If your “date” sitting across from you frequently grabs things to play with in their hands, like the paper covering of a straw and crumble it, they’re most likely sexually frustrated but see you as a desirable mate.

5. Women are often influenced and persuaded by a man’s sense of humor and being sarcastic. Your “looks” might be the 5 second billboard, but your witty humor and sarcasm are the real deal breakers.

6. Humor is often associated with being smart and honest.

7. When someone is interested and comfortable with your presence, they will often lean in. And when they feel a bit uncomfortable or threatened, they will lean outward.

8. When a woman is attracted to her possible mate, she will begin to play with her hair, this is called “preening,” and she will do this often without realizing it. It’s also a form of calming down or limiting anxiety too.

9. Both Men and Women decide if they are attracted to you within the first 3 seconds of meeting. BUT, if that attraction stays is up to you!

10. Your energy or “aura” introduces 95% of you before you even speak.

11. If a person is really attracted to you, in a group setting, their feet will often be pointed towards you.

12. If a woman is nervous around you, but likes you, in a group setting, she may look away and be hesitant but eventually, she will gravitate towards you until you literally could grab her in your arms to hug.

13. If your possible mate really likes you, often they will mirror your mannerisms, your voice tonality, and your posture…if they do this, chances are they are fascinated and attracted to you.

14. Psychology says, the ones we loved so much that might be gone now… if we find ourselves talking about them all the time, we still care, the memories we made, we still care.

15. A Man is more likely to fall for you if you do something that SCARES THEM.

16. Did you know, it can take 2 to 4 full years to actually KNOW SOMEONE COMPLETELY!? So, if you’re thinking about moving in together or getting married after first date-6 months of honeymoon bliss, might want to pump the brakes. Or not, it’s your life.

17. Someone is more prone to fall in love with you if you meet them in a dangerous situation.

18. Being ignored causes a woman to lose interest, and he (possible mate) becomes less attractive and desirable in her eyes.

19. Here’s a crazy one: Our pupils will dilate up to 45% when we see someone we are attracted to. This psychological phenomenon is involuntary.

20. If you’re in a group setting, and she’s very attracted to you. Her eyes will continue to dart at you while she blushes, even if she’s talking to her friends.

21. Lastly, He or She will absolutely make time for you if they find you attractive and interesting.

Bonus: If a guy likes you, he will straight up tell you to your face, DUH!!!

PS: I could go into depth about some of these and the personal experiences I have had with them. But I’ll spare my diary of dating life. Instead, if or when you’re out on a date, try to keep in mind some of these as they might help you impress that lucky Lady or Man.

Be confident, be happy, smile upon arrival!

Men: Always be a gentleman and respect her boundaries, but look for the signs that she might be into you. If she seems stand-offish or quiet at first, don’t think on it too much, she could be just nervous or shy to begin with. Make her feel comfortable, ask about her day, get the conversation started on something light and transition to some interesting and funny topics that you might think she’s interested in…but most importantly, be yourself and be authentic. And for the love of God, DON’T answer your phone at the table (*sigh, I have to tell my clients this way too much)

Women: Put yourself in a positive state of mind. Go pick out that beautiful outfit you’ve been wanting to showcase, you know…that one that makes you look and feel like a badass babe. Have fun with it. If this is the first “live” date, besides all the texting and such…don’t be robotic on your 21 interview questions. No guy likes to be interrogated. Just keep the conversation going and try to throw a few jokes in there too. Trust me, the dude will love a woman with some humor. And as always, be yourself and the authentic you. Everyone loves the REAL YOU behind that armor of defense. Don’t ever be ashamed to be yourself.

Good Luck and Happy Hunting!



Jake Richardson

Criminology/Psychology Major. Find a knack in observing humans and what makes them tick. Life Coach and Personal Transformation enthusiast