Jake Richardson
4 min readMar 5, 2021


This is just something to think about as I do not have the direct answers for your given situation, but I like to ask questions with the questions you have as a Provider...

Your place of work is super stressful, long, hard, physically demanding hours from what I read...did you take the job for the $$? Or is it in the realm of your true PASSION in life...? What I mean is, maybe you're so stressed out from a job that requires your full attention during the night time (when humans are supposed to sleep), and for LONG hours at a time, which is not typically a "8 hour work day" in which you don't really get much enjoyment out of...? Basically, do you enjoy at all what you do?

Are there certain skills that you have, or degrees, or certifications that you could achieve or look at to better your own work life situation, or something you've always thought about doing, even going back to a childhood dream, of doing something else...?

I ask these questions, because so many times, I see MEN who are not happy with their job, place of work, because they are out of alignment with what they truly want or who they are as a person...AKA their true "purpose."

They then take these frustrations out at home, because they are miserable with their job...I've seen it, I've lived it, I've experienced it too and it cost me a potential marriage and family.

It's just food for thought, I would be willing to bet, that a different job setting, or a change of your path as a MAN could launch a huge spring in your step to being the best Father and Husband that you are capable of being.

Often with my clients, it starts out at the root of a Mans purpose...and then, when they align their true purpose with a craft, it's amazing what other areas of life do improve.

I know this is a lot to take in, and this is about "parenting" or "co-parenting," but with Men these days, I feel that so many do not go after what they truly love or yearn for in their quest for purpose...because once you find that, "work" doesn't even become work, it's bliss. And then, you have so much more positive energy to help your wife and be a great father.

I know that once a child is born, many men (and women) take it upon themselves to work any job they can that provides the most $$ at the time, especially younger parents in their early to mid 20s.

And it has often lead to troubled times down the road...because then, both parents start to question the whole marriage and having a child.

Take what you will from it, but I would suggest to reflect on this...

1. What is a subject, a desire, or craft that you could read 500 books about, and never get bored?

2. If you could just sit and talk effortlessly about a subject, with your friends, or wife...what would that be?

3. If you have or can think of something, write it down, and then write small term-goals for yourself, towards that craft.

4. The night before, write out just 3 things you can do the next day, to take ACTION and start working towards that goal...


Your burden and your trials are not with your family, you're a Man that has a purpose, a true path, you're just on a detour to it...but you need to figure out what it is and go after it. Because I'm telling you, once you plan, and plan with your wife on what that is, you can tackle it with full force, your energy will truly rise to take care of your child and be a provider as well...

I'm telling you this, because I believe this is often the ROOT cause of Man's frustrations, and then, they have little to ZERO energy left to be a husband or Father.

You sound like an extremely hard worker...again, what is something that you could leap out of bed for, and work effortlessly for 8-10 hours a day and not be miserable? And then, you wouldn't have so much balled up negative energy, for when you went home to help your wife, parent the child, it would be like a bonus to your day!

Forget the money, just ask yourself that question, because if you go after your true purpose, believe me, the $$ will eventually follow.

I know this is a lot, but it always pains me to see or read/hear about a Man, who is struggling in their realm of family, when it's often their purpose that is out of alignment, and it has "the trickle over effect."

I hope SOMETHING of this helps. I know I beat the dead horse about "Purpose" enough, I hope you find something, anything of value from this...

God Bless, and Good luck



Jake Richardson

Criminology/Psychology Major. Find a knack in observing humans and what makes them tick. Life Coach and Personal Transformation enthusiast